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(English) The Time Machine Escape room

1 - 10



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Escape room story: You are in England. You enjoy tourist programs, walks in the bustling capital and the sightseeing. You’re just over for a nice lunch and think, cutting off the road through a secluded alley to the next monument when you notice something weird.

A few stories up from one of the windows, a flickering blue light filters out and you hear the voice of a man who seems to be in trouble. The situation seems terrifying, but you decide to help him.

When you go in, you notice that the lights are flashing much brighter and radiating from a machine made up of monitors and wires. The old man tells you that he a scientist and accidentally launched a machine, which will soon cause everything that seemed normal in the world to be overturned, and because of this machine the time is going to start to go backwards soon.

You are terrified. You ask how you can help him. The scientist tells you that you must take part in a very dangerous but necessary mission. He built a time machine that allows to travel not only into the past but also into the future. He can only stop the time reversing machine if you bring a special key from both eras.

The mission seems more than dangerous, but you have no choice. Now the fate of the world is in your hands. Take part in a mission full of mysteries and unexpected events! Travel to the past and then to the future! Get the keys from the locations full of traps and stop the time reverser, before the world you know disappears!

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13:00 - 21:00
£ 80

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