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(English) THE HACKER VIRTUAL ESCAPE ROOM (Team Building) Escape room

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The Hacker is a virtual escape room experience with a twist, specifically designed for remote teams. Working together to help rescue the trapped gamer locked within a virtual reality game, teammates must collaborate to decipher and communicate solutions that will ultimately unlock doors inside the cyberspace maze.

What’s Involved?
Your team is a specialist ‘Remote Virtual Hacker Unit’, called in to complete a special secret mission. A colleague playing a virtual reality game has been absorbed into the cyberspace world and is trapped there.

Using our online video conferencing tool, coupled with our remote Hacker platform, your mission is to go back and forth between the virtual and real worlds, finding clues to release the gamer, and help him return to the real world. To succeed in this virtual escape room experience, teams must work together to decipher and communicate the solutions and unlock the doors inside the cyberspace maze helping the trapped gamer to escape.

A virtual reality game based on real-time collaboration and communication, the more precise the description of the puzzles, the faster teammates within the online conference breakout room will find the solution.

Interactive learning combined with continuous feedback and improvement, helps the teams solve problems in more efficient ways. Since every team role is swapped once each puzzle is completed, players must stay switched on and develop their own communication techniques as the game progresses. Hacker online is a versatile and powerful tool for a debriefing on complex issues affecting modern businesses working with remote teams, employing agile methodologies.

отзывы о квесте «(English) THE HACKER VIRTUAL ESCAPE ROOM (Team Building)»


13:00 - 21:00
£ 80

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