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To play Mission 3: »Elevator« online, you’ll need::
- A video call. Welcome to the future.
- For each location: A different (!) printed mission PDF – you’ll find them below.
Depending on how many locations you’re playing in, you’ll have teams alpha, beta and gamma.
Work together to accomplish your mission.
- One ‚game master‘ phone, running the Escape Team app.
During the mission, you can hold up this phone to the camera if needed.
You can also go pro and enter the video call with, sharing its screen. A dramatic countdown..!
To get started:
- Distribute the PDFs to the teams. Make sure they have printed it before playing.
- Tell them to have scissors, pens and tape ready.
Each mission has a list of required physical materials on its front page. But tape is always good.
- Gather your teams in the video call, start the Escape Team app, launch the mission.
The clock is ticking…
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