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Желаемые дата 6 марта, четверг
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(English) Globe Runner Escape room

logo The Events Company
logo The Events Company
5 - 10



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Globe Runner is the ultimate online team-building event. This fast paced and entertaining team building challenge is designed to engage and reward teams working remotely, as players race around the ‘virtual’ globe together to complete as many fun tasks and activities as possible,

What’s Involved?
Globe Runner is a fun, competitive online team-building activity designed specifically for remote workers. Players collaborate with their team members through our online conferencing platform, as our Globe Runner app guides gameplay across a virtual map of the world.

Team players must strategically choose which countries to visit throughout the game, carrying out a variety of engaging and interactive individual and team tasks on arrival at their chosen virtual location. With the added element of competition across all teams, points are racked up through the completion of the various checkpoints, with winners announced at the end of the game.

Globe Runner is a motivating and rewarding online team-building activity that allows remote workers to re-connect in a fun and engaging environment. As the game unfolds and teams employ their various strategies, players must collaborate to benefit the entire team score.

Working against the clock, teams find that communicating online is quite different from face-to-face, but by listening and supporting each other, amazing results can be achieved.

With entertaining, interactive tasks to undertake and a fun-filled finale with the entire group, Globe Runner is a fantastic, feel-good event for your remote teams to enjoy.

отзывы о квесте «(English) Globe Runner»


13:00 - 21:00
£ 80

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способы оплаты

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