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Желаемые дата 6 марта, четверг
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(English) CHRISTMAS PACKAGES Escape room

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Good news, there’s no need to cancel Christmas this year!

We at the Events Company believe in the magic of Christmas. But sometimes creating magic takes a little work, particularly when times are well, a little challenging.

Which is why we’ve created a veritable feast of virtual Christmas-themed party packages, each of which has been meticulously crafted to transport you and your guests into a magical winter wonderland.

Simply choose from our three pre-packaged options or if you prefer, combine different elements to make your very own bespoke Christmas mix – either way we have the perfect Virtual Christmas Party solution for you and your guests.

Our ‚Tis the Season Package provides you with full access to our Christmas Cracker Virtual Quiz. Led by our very own ‘Head Elf’, teams dash through a series of Christmas-themed challenges spread over five unique rounds including Festive Films, Mistletoe Mash-Up, and Rudolph’s Revenge, our fast-paced interactive buzzer round.

Combining unrivaled creative content with our proprietary online quiz platform which allows guests to answer questions and activate their buzzer via their smartphone or tablet while watching the main content on a laptop or PC, the Christmas Cracker Quiz can be updated to reflect your brand to add the finishing touch to what will be a truly memorable online quizzing experience.

Jingle All the Way Package
Add something a little extra to your festive celebration with our combined package including two crucial elements of Christmas – entertainment and gifts.

In addition to the Christmas Cracker Quiz, we’ll deliver Christmas Gift Boxes to each of your guests prior to the event. Gift boxes can include drinks and Christmas snacks, party games and Christmas gifts, all finished with your branding.

The ‘Christmas Party’ is often a staple part of company culture and while things might be a bit different this year, we don’t think your celebrations should suffer.

With our third package, you’ll receive our Christmas Cracker Quiz, individual gift boxes delivered to each of your guests, and as the final touch to your very, merry Christmas celebration, a choice of one of our classic entertainment options.

So whether you prefer a live cocktail mixology session or a mind-bending illusionist performing tricks which simply defy explanation, we have a fantastic range of entertainment options that are sure to leave your guests beguiled, sometimes bemused but always blown-away.

Here at The Events Company, we realize that just because an event is virtual, it doesn’t mean it can’t be personal. We are continuously adapting our creative services to make sure we are can provide all our clients with the perfect online solution to meet their needs.

So, if you like the sound of our Christmas packages but are looking for an experience different to those mentioned above, please feel free to contact us for a chat, you’ll be amazed at some of the solutions we can offer.

отзывы о квесте «(English) CHRISTMAS PACKAGES»


13:00 - 21:00
£ 80

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